Why do you need the Knitting Box?

The Knitting Box is unique because it allows you to gather everything needed for knitting in one place.

Imagine a situation where you're in a hurry due to an unexpected event, and you have just a moment to pack up. With the Knitting Box, it's easy – just pack it into your bag, grab your knitting, and you can knit anywhere. While traveling, in the doctor's waiting room, or while waiting for your child to finish extra activities.

But that's not all!

The Knitting Box was developed in consultation with other knitters, and we aimed to cater to their needs as best as possible. One feature we're proud of is that the box, thanks to its removable lid, securely stores knitting accessories away from children.

The second feature is the compartment for needles, which can hold up to 10 needles (!), and its magnetic lid lets you attach the needle key to it.

Isn't that great?

Furthermore, the box helps you control the mess of knitting accessories. No more accessories scattered all around the house :)

How is the Knitting Box made?

Knitting Boxes are unique products. We 3D print them in our small workshop, and each one goes through our hands.

The material we use is demanding and requires time, so producing one complete Knitting Box takes about 1 working day.

Then, we check for any defects, clean off dust, assemble the magnet, and beautifully package it to delight your eyes.

Where did the idea for the Knitting Box come from?

Simon: One day, I was watching Jola knitting and saw her emptying her small bag onto the table (which she always carried with her everywhere) to find a specific item, maybe a small needle for tightening stitches. The bag was narrow, and every time she wanted to take something out, it resulted in the entire contents spilling onto the table or couch. That's when I came up with the idea of creating a box for her, one that would allow quick access to the necessary accessories and could be taken everywhere. Since her birthday was approaching, it was the perfect opportunity to gift her such a box :)

Jola: I remember it vividly, how I opened the gift from you and saw that it was an organizer for my needles, markers, caps, etc. I was as excited as a child, especially since the interior was bright (unlike my bag), making each tiny item visible :)

Simon: True, but at that time, the box didn't have dividers; we came up with the idea for dividers later on :)

Jola: I remember! But I must admit, the box itself already made my work easier. The dividers were a brilliant move, as they brought order to the accessories.

In general, after introducing the dividers, I knew that the box was a kind of breakthrough. It made my work incredibly easier, and I could take it everywhere because it's lightweight. I thought it might be just as revolutionary for other knitters. I started talking about it on Instagram, and even then, we knew we had to make the boxes available to everyone.

Simon: And that's how we started designing more prototypes and refining the initial design. I was in charge of designing and printing, while Jola tested their features.

Jola: I transferred my accessories from one box to another and tested them for weeks. I showed them to other knitters and asked what they would add or change. It was incredibly interesting because it turns out that everyone needs something different. But I relayed all the feedback to Simon, and he prepared changes in the design and printed more prototypes.

Simon: It was thanks to your consultation that we needed a place to store needles; that's when I came up with the idea of the compartment in the lid.

Jola: The needle compartment is fantastic! But what I love the most is the magnetic part of the lid. I enjoy playing with it; it's incredibly satisfying. And one more thing I love in the final version is attaching the needle key to the magnet on the lid for securing the needles. A game changer!

Simon: I'm most delighted that we managed to create something practical together and solve the clutter problem with accessories.

Jola: You solved our knitting problem :) We just told you what we needed :) I'm very proud of you, and I already have ideas for more knitting accessories :D Get ready :D

Simon: I'm ready!